
Monica Munoz

Phone: 210-898-4210


Monica Munoz

Welcome, Bobcat Leaders!

I am thrilled to serve Las Palmas this school year. This will be my third year as your campus principal. During the past two years, we have grown as Super Readers and created our pathway of excellence. One of the recent traditions that I and our community look forward to is celebrating #LoveMySchoolDay. This is such a great opportunity to highlight and showcase all the wonderful students and their reasons why they love Las Palmas Elementary. I will honestly say that this is one of my proudest days as a principal. A familiar tradition that we continue at our school is the Parade of Nations. This continues to stay strong each year and is an event that draws our entire neighborhood in celebration of our nation's customs and traditions. These events and many more continue to make our campus unique.

This school year promises to be one of our best. We will continue to share the love of reading with our students. Our goal is to empower them to be independent readers through voice and choice. Last school year was our first attempt at having parents and family read aloud in all classrooms. We are looking forward to continuing with this practice. Please don't hesitate to contact me to schedule a time to read aloud to your child's classroom.

I look forward to working with you this school year. You can reach me at 210-898-4210 or at Email.

Monica M. Munoz


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Assistant Principal

Las Palmas

Sylvia A. Orzabal

Assistant Principal
Phone: 210-898-4210

Las Palmas

Maria Gauna

Phone: 210-898-4210

Las Palmas

Genevie Rodriguez-Quinones

Instructional Coach
Phone: 210-898-4210

Las Palmas

Valerie Moreno

Phone: 210-898-4210